The Reasons You Should Undertake A H1N1 Vaccine

Since time immemorial, prevention has been regarded as more supreme to cure; hence evading it is just unfathomable at all circumstances. Vaccines have proved to be the only best way to protect people against a potential death from any infectious or contagious disease. H1N1 or Swine Flu virus, being one of the highly infectious viruses, Read more


Overview of H1N1 Virus-Things You Must Know

The H1N1 flu which is known to many people as ‘swine flu’ is the most recent influenza which actually causes illness to many people. The virus containing H1N1 flu normally spreads from one individual to the other in a very fast manner as could be thought. It was at first named as swine flu majorly Read more


Ins and Outs of H1N1-Commonly Referred to as Swine Flu

H1N1 flu is an infectious disease commonly referred to a swine flu. The symptoms of H1N1 are similar to those of the common cold thus it could sometimes be difficult to know when one has it. But in addition to the symptoms of the normal cold, there is vomiting and diarrhea ringing and its signs Read more


Tips on How to Beat Depressions During Pregnancy

Depressions are always harmful for any individual and the level of danger increases if a pregnant woman confronts depression, since two lives are at stake, as a result the pregnancy would be in a risky condition as well. It mostly happens to women who have been under depression before. This sickness intrigues thoughts, mood and Read more