7 Steps to Protect Your Skin from the Winter Sun

7-steps-to-protect-yourself-from-the-winter-sunWhat summer outdoor activity did you engage in? Was it a good game of baseball with friends, a delicious meat eating after a perfect barbeque, or a sauna experience at the beach? All the outdoor activities must have somehow, excitingly though, taken its toll on you. However while enjoying your summer vacation or trip I presume that it must have dawned on you that you needed to safeguard yourself against the rays of the sun.

Then winter approaches and somehow you are forced to discard all the summer savvy apparels like shorts, T shirts, sunglasses and hats for the warmer winter savvy cloths like trousers, corduroy pants, and the leather with fur boots, jackets and the rest of them. What then happens to the summer stuff; the sun hats and glasses and sun screens, one would ask?

Well, what most folks don’t know is that in the same token that one needs to protect himself from the rays of the sun in summer, one needs to also protect himself in winter. Sounds weird, I guess, especially considering that coldness is not even remotely related to the sun, or so you think. Research at the National Council of Skin Cancer Prevention has shown that very few people, in fact about 3 percent, put on protective sun glasses during winter and others; at 2 percent, put on during fall period. It is scientifically understood that even during these periods, sunburns coupled with snow blindness can affect a person. The fact that it is cold does not stop or influence the UV rays and the snow reflection from being emitted and as a result you will be causing yourself untold permanent damage in the long run if you don’t put the necessary protection.

The US Environmental Protection Agency recommends the following simple steps to cushion you against harmful sun rays in winter and other seasons.

Shorten time under the sun at midday: At midday, 10 a.m to 4 p.m the sun is at its strongest and you therefore need to ensure that you keep away from the sun for long hours at this time period.

Put on a hat: Getting a wider hat that literally covers your eyes, face, ears and neck is a good way to curb overexposure and keep you safe from the UV rays.

Wear to cover body: Contrary to popular belief, wearing covering attire in the hot or winter sun period is a healthy thing to do. Most folks think that this is the time to wear scantily, especially in summer. Well, your health is more important and you therefore need to protect your skin from the harmful rays.

Use sunglasses: Sunglasses should be used to curb the UVB and UVA rays to avoid cataracts and other bad eye complications.

Use sunscreen: Apply sunscreen on skin and after 2 hours or following a swimming, working or exercising action. It must have the sun protection factor or SPF and it needs to be applied consistently.

Sunlamps coupled with tanning parlor; avoid them: Sunlamps and sunbeds emit artificial UV light that is harmful to both your skin and eyes and should therefore be avoided.

Check out for UV index: Created by the EPA and the National Weather Service, the UV index gives you a schedule of low and heightened sun rays durations so that you may plan around that schedule.

7 Steps to Protect Your Skin from the Winter Sun
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