7 Must Know Tips about Acne Treatment

Acne is a common problem especially among teens and most of the time the situation gets worst due to lack of proper knowledge. Most patients consider this as a thing that must be washed off immediately, whereas this can be done only through proper care and treatment. Here you can find 7 acne treating tips Read more


Information and Tips You Don’t Know about Acne

Even though, acne is a universal problem among teen-agers and youth, a major part of the victim still doesn’t know what acne is, why they are getting affected and what they should do. Actually, acne is nothing but a hormone imbalance of the body. Both male and female skin contains testosterone which is responsible for Read more


5 Home Remedies to Treat Acne

Acne has become a common problem these days, every second person suffers from acne. There are many ways to treat acne, but home remedies have given the best results. Here are some simple home remedies to cure acne. • One of the best home remedy to treat acne is to apply toothpaste on the pimple Read more