Prognosis of Metastasis and Prostate Cancer

Cancer of the prostate is typical among men in USA. Last 2004, there’s a morbid rate of 300,000 men from USA that are diagnosed of having cancer of the prostate, among them there’s an approximate 30,000 patients who died. The stated statistics are showing that the cancer of the prostate actually have excellent prognosis. Just Read more


Foods That Can Prevent Cancer

In the pursuit of reducing the risk of cancer, you shouldn’t fail to notice: “To improve your eating habit can give a big role to prevent cancer.” Foods are offering an excellent team as a phytochemical and antioxidant, a plant chemical, which helps in weakening the process of the cells in your body leading to Read more


Information about Mesothelioma Cancer Everyone Should Know

Mesothelioma cancer is a rare kind of disease caused by the malignant cancerous cells of the parent’s body cavities like abdominal regions, chest or the heart surrounding areas. It is normally associated with disclosure to asbestos which can be found in around 70-80% of mesothelioma cases. Due to the immense variability and progression rate of Read more